Recommendation for Brainspeed International

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Recommendation for Brainspeed International

It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend BRAINSPEED INTERNATIONAL, a leading GROUP of intelligent , diligent Brainspeed tutors to you.

This company offer selfless service to children/students to become excellent in their different fields of endeavour.

What makes BRAINSPEED tutors stand out is the fact that they take into consideration individual ability(strength and weakness)
and they take time to impact the children/students differently to achieve same positive results.

Beyond the classroom, BRAINSPEED INTERNATIONAL extra curricular activities, collaboration and leadership skills are truly impressive. Their capstone project on strategies in overall development of children/ students is top notch and this has earned them glowing reviews from parents.

Perhaps, I must mention at this juncture that I am a beneficiary of BRAINSPEED INTERNATIONAL . As a matter of fact, my daughter is the first brand ambassador of BRAINSPEED and she is a medical doctor today by the grace of God.

So I am confident without reservation that as a tireless creative and passionate group , any child /student through BRAINSPEED would be a productive addition to the society, the world at large.

Enrol your child today and you will never regret.
Feel free to contact me ([email protected]) if you have any question or would like me to elaborate on BRAINSPEED achievements.


Elizabeth Ewuga (Mrs)
Assistant Director News
Nigerian Television Authority NTA Headquarters Abuja

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